Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gifts for Bridesmaids – The personal touch


Gifts for Bridesmaids – The personal touch

There are hundreds of very unique bridesmaid’s gifts on the market today. As a new bride there are a few things to remember. Personalities of each bridesmaid and your budget are two important items to think about. You want to spend time and pick out the perfect gift as this is a memorable event in your life and for the bridesmaids it is as well.

One great gift is perhaps a day at the spa. As the bride you want to look great and feel great for your special day and so should your bridesmaids. A great added gift could be a spa gift basket full of little relaxing products. Bridesmaids love Bath robes, and it is a unique gift for a bridesmaid. You can personalize it and even match them to your wedding colors. Monogramming the robes with their names or initials is a great way to personalize the gift. In the long run of a good bridesmaid gift it is not how much you spend. It is the personal touch you put into the selection of the gift and the fact your bridesmaids will remember the gift and your perfect wedding day for years to come.

Stress Relief

Stress can be a big part of any wedding planning. The bride and groom can have allot of stress and the bridesmaids and groomsmen should try to take some of it off them. Over the week of the wedding things happen and it is allot to deal with. As the wedding gets closer it may be time for a makeover party for you and your bridesmaids using a professional makeup artist. This would allow you and your bridesmaid’s to look perfect and save time and money and best of all relax. This is a good time to put on relaxing music and sit back and pamper yourself. Your bridesmaids will love you for it.

A Bridesmaid’s gift of jewellery

Jewelry is still one of the most popular bridesmaids gift there is. A beautiful bracelet or and necklace makes a perfect gift. The added feature is to personalise the gift with a small engraved note as a lasting memory of your wedding day. Pearls are another beautiful bridesmaid’s gift. Fresh water are a hot gift and again a gift that can be worn for years after the wedding day .

The free sample bag

This is one of those little gifts you need to think well ahead on and you may only have ever read it here. Every store, dental office or spa supply company has a host of free give always just sitting behind the counter. If you think about this you will come up with a list a mile long. Buy a unique bag for each bridesmaid and fill it with free give always like hand creams, lotions, lip stick, breath mints, snacks and a tooth brush. The companies love the advertising and believe me your bridesmaids will love you. All this just adds to your perfect Wedding Day. Ernest and Lee Gifts has gift baskets available across Canada, you may want to search our gift baskets in Canada page for even more Ideas about giving bridesmaids gifts

These are just a few bridesmaids’ gift ideas. Unique gifts are not hard to find and with online shopping you can plan ahead with less stress. Many online gift stores have a bridesmaid gift category filled with quality bridesmaid gifts.

Ron Thompson is a Gift consultant for . For over thirty years has worked in the gift industry and promotional gift market. You can contact him at Please stop by the blog. Great specials! Sign up for our free monthly newsletter at


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